Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Isn't she just FIERCE & FABULOUS? We are loving EVA on the new cover of FAB magazine, the sound issue. This issue is double yummy cos it also features the british fast rising artiste better known as SKEPTA. We absolutely love this cover cos it stands for all things fierce!
Fierce music and Firce fashion.
In this august issue of FAB mag Eva is seen rocking a HON skull shirt, mad sunglasses and lots of gold jewelry which is sinonimous with the rock look of the 80's, isn't fashion amazing. Nothing ever really goes out of fashion.
In this look she could have easily just walked off the 2012 movie set of Rock of Ages along side Tom Cruise. Her amazing abs and well toned body just sets this look apart from everyone else.
Go grab your copy and see for your self.
To pull off a rock look you need five main things 1- fierce hair, 2- sunglasses, 3- some skull, 4- metals and last but not the least a lot of ATTITUDE and your ready to roll.